Token Toss Bot Setup

Important Information

  • You should login to use the bot's features, but receivers may not need to login initially.
  • Pre-generated wallets will be created for receivers, and they can login later to access their wallet's private key.
  • Private keys are stored using sharding, ensuring complete decentralization.
  • To start using the bot in Telegram, you must first use the /connect command.

Bot Commands


Fetches your Privy Solana wallet balance'


Initiates a Phantom wallet connection using a deeplink and stores the encryption key pair in Firestore'


Sends a Native devnet SOL airdrop to you'


Initiates token creation using token metadata and images, storing it on IPFS'


Airdrop tokens to other users

/sendsol <amount>

Sends SOL to a replied user using Privy to manage wallets&#39;